Morton Feldman interviewed by Charles Amirkhanian at the Exploratorium's Speaking of Music Series in San Francisco, January 30, 1986.
Charles Amirkhanian interviews Morton Feldman and asks right at the top: Is your music Hermetic? The answers take us on a whirlwind tour of this composers opinions, philosophy, criticisms, recollections and observations. There are excerpts from his Piano and String Quartet as well as his Violin Concerto. Feldman indicates that his compositions, which are usually lengthy, can be compared to the novels of Proust or drinking a fine wine: one to be sipped rather than gulped. Dont give up listening until you find out why Fred Astaire danced so well, or why Beethoven wrote his C-sharp minor String Quartet; Feldman provides the answers!
Thanks to the Estate of Morton Feldman for permission to share this historic interview. All Rights Reserved.
All Other Minds programs available, with additional print and photo materials, at
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November 19, 2004 (edited)
Feldman in 1986
This is a wonderful interview. I remember being there. Great to hear it again. Morty died just a year later. And just when his compositions had reached
a wider audience. He also is very funny, in a very sly way. Think Woody Allen.